Monday, February 16, 2009

I remembered the Trash today...

I actually remembered to take the trash out this morning, which, as many of you know, is a HUGE feat! Whenever my house master works on Mondays, it becomes MY responsibility to roll the can to the street for pick up before I leave in the morning. 9/10 times, I don't remember to do it (I'm ashamed). However, yesterday, when I returned home from Lawrence, I'm happy to say that I put away the dishes (she has new glass wear I noticed), took out the trash, and...well...just chilled all day with the 20 pound cat of mine. Forget about the chilling part and focus on the BIG PICTURE people: I TOOK OUT THE TRASH!!! :) Now, all I gotta do is remember to scoop the cat box today when I get home after a 13 hour work day! Woohoo!

Had a case of the Lazzies...

For about 2 weeks, I had simply decided that I had no interest in ANYTING I was doing in for one thing: My screenplay. I've been working a couple 13 hour shifts at work lately (we're short handed), and going to school--taking a subject that, at the moment, just escapes me (Biology: Cellular Respiration). I've been writing the screenplay for over a decade...I will repeat that...over a decade. I've found the conviction to finish it recently as I approached the FINAL SCENES!!! With the help of my house master (Jenn), we've figured out why my case of the Lazzies was so severe. I was only interested in being ONE thing when I grew up and I was TOTALLY not heading there the way I was going. Yes, I need something/someway to make money until I pitch my story and hopefully succeed in Producing, we've decided that I'll have to suck it up and finish schooling to be, I don't know, a Pharmacy Tech or something, while I'm finishing my screenplay. I have plan A and B. Either one will make me good money...just one will make me WAY more money, that's all. So, ever since we had this conversation, my motivation has increased and I'm kinda back to whatever kind of normal my Petty ass can achieve. :)